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Here you can find usedSoft’s latest press releases and downloads. Do you need further information about used software, our company or special material? Our press contact Julia Hisge will be pleased to help you.

Press contact

Julia Hisge
+49 (0) 221 80 10 87-90
[email protected]

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Johannes Jäger, Geschäftsführer von usedSoft Deutschland lacht

Johannes Jäger
CEO, usedSoft Deutschland GmbH
(3 motifs, high resolution as ZIP file, 15 MB)

Latest press releases

13. June 2022

Used software pioneer Peter Schneider has died

Only a few days ago, used software pioneer Peter Schneider, the founder of the international software trading group usedSoft, passed away due to serious illness. His family announced this today. He had reached the age of 67. Peter Schneider founded the company usedSoft in 2003 and managed it since then. In so doing, he laid [...]
12. May 2022

Used software is sustainable

Clothing made of organic cotton, vegetables grown locally, packaging made of paper - in their private lives, many people consciously shop for sustainable products. But used software is also sustainable: In this year's market survey, the used software supplier usedSoft asked more than 150 participating purchasers from companies, public authorities and the software trade: How [...]
15. February 2022

Used software versions from 2019 in the fast lane

The 2019 versions of Microsoft Office applications and servers were bought more frequently than their previous versions for the first time last year. This information, announced today by the European used software supplier usedSoft, means that the used software versions from 2019 are on the fast lane. The best-selling software was “Office 2019 Standard”. The [...]