RDS-Aktivierung in 3 Schritten

RDS activation in 3 steps

If you have purchased RDS CALs from us, we will activate them for you. The process is very simple.

Prepare your server

Prepare your server and note down your licence server ID. We explain how to do this and where to find the ID in this short video tutorial.

Fill out the form

Simply fill out the form below. You will need your licence server ID to complete it.


Now we will create a key pack ID for you, which we will email to you. Please find instructions on how to do this in our video tutorial.

  1. 1
    1. Contact
  2. 2
    2. License information
  3. 3
    3. Done!

Contact information

License information

Amount Product Transaction/Offer no.


Thank you for your information. We will be in touch with you ASAP!